22 de Abril - Cegados
Mas, se ainda o nosso evangelho está encoberto, para os que se perdem está encoberto, nos quais o deus deste século cegou os entendimentos dos incrédulos, para que nao lhes resplandeca a luz do evangelho da glória de Cristo, que é a imagem de Deus.
Homem algum que estivesse com o controle das suas faculdades mentais dirigiria a 160km por hora pela estrada, avancando sinais fechados e os de advertência: "Perigo! Perigo! Caiu a ponte!" No entanto, um bêbado ou drogado agiria dessa forma.
Da mesma maneira, homem algum em sa consciência passaria pela vida e se precipitaria para a eternidade e o inferno, perdido. Mas as pessoas o fazem. Por quê? Porque o diabo as deixou drogadas e cegas.
No caso da salvacao do meu irmao Dub, percebi que era o diabo quem o tinha amarrado e o impedia de ser salvo. Falei, portanto: "Satanás, em Nome de Jesus Cristo, rompo o seu poder sobre a vida do meu irmao Dub e reinvidico o livramento e salvacao dele!"
Nao temos o controle sobre as vantagens humanas, mas temos o controle sobre os espíritos malignos que amarram e cegam as pessoas. Estou convicto de que essa é uma área a respeito da qual saberemos mais no futuro para nosso maior proveito.
Confissao: "O deus deste mundo nao cegará os olhos dos meus amados, porque tomarei o Nome de Jesus e romperei o poder de Satanás sobre eles!"
Kenneth E Hagin - Alimento da fé
Kenneth E. Hagin
Kenneth E. Hagin
On 20 August 1917, Rev Kenneth E Hagin began a life that would span nearly seventy years of ministry, touching and transforming untold millions of lives.
Born prematurely with a deformed heart and an incurable blood disease in McKinney, Texas, Kenneth E Hagin was raised along with his elder brother 'Dub', his sister Oleta and his younger brother Pat by their mother, in the home of his maternal grandparents. Bedfast at the age of fifteen, almost completely paralysed, and told that he would not see his sixteenth birthday, Kenneth E Hagin had a life-changing experience. On 22 April 1933, he died three times and three times he descended down to hell. Each time he heard a voice speak, and each time that voice spoke his descent was arrested and he ascended back into his body. The third time, as his spirit was ascending back into his body, he cried out to the Lord to be saved. As he entered his body, he continued praying and he was gloriously saved! After receiving Christ, he began reading his grandmother's Methodist Bible. After some time of reading the Word, he came accross Mark 11:23-24. As he meditated on the scripture, revelation came. On August 8, 1934, he was miraculously raised from a deathbed and completely healed of two organic heart problems, an incurable blood disease, and near total paralysis! What followed was a ministry that would change the world with the message of faith. Kenneth E. Hagin was true to the divine calling of God upon his life and to the mandate of 'Go teach my people faith...' given to him by the Lord Jesus Christ. Words cannot express how grateful are those who have been forever touched and changed through his faithfulness and through the sacrifices that he and his family made to be true to his calling. On September 19, 2003, Kenneth E Hagin went home to be with the Lord. Known around the world as the 'Father of the Modern Faith Movement,' he is also acknowledged by many as a man of tremendous love, a man who truly lived what he preached. His heritage and his legacy still live on today in the thousands of men and women of God who have been impacted by the ministry of this man who was obedient and faithful to his calling, and who are today impacting the world with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today, his son, Rev Kenneth W Hagin along with his wife, Rev Lynette Hagin, continue to lead RHEMA to fulfill the mandate that the Lord gave to Brother Hagin to 'teach My people faith'. With more than 50 years experience in the ministry, they possess the wisdom, experience, the anointing to help believers enter into their inheritance in Christ and to teach others to do the same.
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